GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) » GATE Home


GATE Administrator:  Rey Cubias - [email protected] 
GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION:  The Loomis Union School District offers a GATE program designed to meet the needs of students who fulfill the qualifications for an ‘Intellectual Ability’ GATE program.
What is Giftedness?  According to the California Association for the Gifted: "Compared to their age peers, GATE students usually learn at a faster pace, use a large vocabulary, ask many questions, and need activities that are complex and challenging.  They may also be highly sensitive, creative and intense.  These are only some of the characteristics of a GATE student."
A gifted person is one who demonstrates or has the potential of showing an extraordinary level of performance in one or more areas.  These abilities can be very broad or can be from other aspects of the person's life such as leadership skills or creativity.  Others are very specialized talents such as an aptitude for mathematics, writing, science, or music.  It is commonly recognized that about five percent of the student population is considered gifted.  Exceptional talents are prevalent in children and youth from all linguistic, racial, ethnic, cultural, or socioeconomic backgrounds. 
Differences Between Bright Children and Gifted Children:  Bright or high-achieving students are often "rule followers".  They are able to read circumstances, know what is anticipated, and carry out expectations to a high level.  These students often get high grades, complete all work, and are excellent citizens.  Gifted children can be "rule benders" or push the envelope of expectations.  The following is a partial chart from Challenge Magazine that may help you recognized and distinguish some of these traits.
Bright Child
Knows the answer
Is interested
Works hard
Answers the questions
Completes assignments
Absorbs information
Gifted Learner
Asks the questions
Is highly curious
Plays around, yet tests well
Discusses in detail, elaborates
Initiates projects
Manipulates information
Thrives on complexity
INTELLECTUAL IDENTIFICATION:  2nd grade students are given the opportunity to test for intellectual identification during the spring . Parents must give permission prior to testing. Students in grades 3 - 8 can be tested during the spring upon teacher recommendation.  A testing calendar is developed by the GATE administrator identifying the date for GATE testing at the individual school sites.
The LUSD Ability Test: The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test is a brief, culture-fair, nonverbal measure of school ability. Students must rely on reasoning using figural designs, not on verbal skills.This test was selected to ensure fairness across gender, race, and ethnicity. The Naglieri provides a reliable and valid evaluation of a student’s ability, and can be administered to a wide variety of students in a group format. Factual knowledge, vocabulary, mathematics, and reading skills are not prerequisites for solving test items. A score in the 95th percentile is one factor used by the district for qualification for the GATE program. Teachers can nominate students in grades 3 through 8 for screening for the district GATE program. To do this, teachers complete the GATE nomination packet.  Principals then review and sign the packet and parents provide permission for the district to administer the Naglieri Test. Upon completion of the process, parents will be informed as to whether their child qualifies for GATE participation.
NEW STUDENTS TO THE DISTRICT:  Students who have been identified as GATE in other districts are automatically admitted to the LUSD GATE program upon verification from previous school.
GATE PARENTS:  Parents of students who meet the qualifications for the GATE program will be required to sign a permission slip for the child to be included in GATE activities.
Did you know this FUN FACT?
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words!!.