Board Policy 1312.1 Complaints Concerning District Employees is the process of filing a complaint against a district employee. Below is Exhibit 1312.1, the form used to complete this process. Please submit your form to our district office located at 3290 Humphrey Road.
Administrative Regulation 1312.4 Williams Uniform Complaint Procedure is used for the filing of complaints concerning deficiencies related to instructional materials, conditions of facilities that are not maintained in a clean or safe manner or in good repair, or teacher vacancy or misassignment. The complaint and response are public documents as provided by law. Complaints may be filed anonymously. However, if you wish to receive a response to your complaint, you must provide the necessary contact information. Below is Exhibit 1312.4, the form used to complete this process. Please submit a completed form to our district office.
Loomis Union School District
3290 Humphrey Road
Loomis, CA 95650
(916) 652-1800
Hours: 7:30am-4:30pm