Independent Study
Independent Study Guidelines
Independent Study Requests of 15-days or Fewer
During the 2024-2025 school year no more than 15 total school days (cumulative across the year) of Independent Study will be granted by Loomis Union School District (LUSD). Families requesting Independent Study within these parameters can make their request through their school’s front office.
Independent Study Requests of 16-days or More
For families requesting 16-days or more of Independent Study, LUSD is partnering with neighboring districts to provide Independent Study program options for the 2024-2025 school year. In order to enroll, families would need to complete an interdistrict transfer agreement with the district of their choice. For additional information on this option, please reach out to the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Amy Nash, at [email protected].
LUSD’s partnership with neighboring districts is in alignment with the Independent Study requirements of Assembly Bill 130. Specifics related to a district’s Independent Study program can be answered by each individual district.