Registration Information & Forms » Intradistrict Transfer Process

Intradistrict Transfer Process

Intradistrict Transfer Requests (K - 8th Grade)

If you reside within the Loomis Union School District attendance boundary and wish for your child to attend a district school that is not your "home school", please complete an Intradistrict Transfer Form (available below) and submit it to the district office during open enrollment from March 1st - March 31st.


If you are submitting an Intradistrict Transfer during Open Enrollment, please submit the form along with the appropriate grade level registration packet for processing. Enrollment packets for TK-8th Grade can be found on the Registration Information & Forms tab to the right. 


Notifications of acceptance or denial will be sent to the applicant by the end of May for applications received during the open enrollment window.


Applications received after the open enrollment window will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. Notifications of acceptance or denial may take up to two weeks.


Applications received during summer recess will be delayed up to two to four weeks and notifications of acceptance or denial may be delayed until AFTER the start of the school year. 


Any application received after the start of the school year for the current year will not be processed unless they meet the Board's transfer policy criteria. All intradistrict transfer applications should be submitted during the open enrollment period. 

*The district does not provide transportation for intra/inter-district students.